Richmond, Virginia Passes Legislation to Incorporate Health Considerations Into Future Planning and Programs

RICHMOND, VA (February 20, 2015) The Richmond City Council has adopted two resolutions that will ensure the incorporation of health into future planning and programs. This legislation, unanimously adopted by City Council, serves to incorporate health considerations into decision-making processes across sectors that influence health.  IPHI provided technical assistance to Richmond City in the development and adoption of the  legislation.

The Health in All Policies (HiAP) and Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) Cities and Towns Resolutions are outgrowths of Mayor Dwight Jones’ Blue Ribbon Commission on Health Policy and fall under the auspices of the Mayor’s Healthy Richmond Campaign. The HiAP legislation calls for the City to incorporate “fair and just” principles into policymaking and to consider the health impacts of decisions made by all aspects of local government. A team of City departmental leaders will be formed to implement the HiAP framework across all departments, agencies, and offices, in order to promote health, and well-being and overall quality of life of all residents, regardless of whom they are or where they live.

See full press release here.