Community Health Worker Discovery Series: CHWs Addressing Health Disparities in Chronic Disease

RCMI CHW Discovery Series Flyer
All Trainings will take place from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. with a 30-minute break.
Tues. May 24 – CHWs and Research
- Describe the various types of research and how they are different and similar.
- Explain the importance of research.
- Explain barriers and resistance for minority communities in participating in research opportunities.
- Develop strategies to promote research and show how it can be used to help your community.
Tues. June 14 – The Role of CHWs in Bringing Awareness of the Importance of Sleep in Communities
- Historical and Cultural Perspectives of Sleep
- The Racial Inequalities of Sleep
- Factors that Influence Sleep
- Variations in Sleep
- Promoting Sleep in Communities
- Overcoming Factors that Interfere with sleep
- You and your biological clock
- When to seek treatment
Tues. July 12 – Cancer 101
- Define key clinical terms for each chronic disease
- Explain the signs, symptoms, and prevalence of each chronic disease
- Describe risk factors for each chronic disease
- List types of prevention and treatment and their benefits for each chronic disease
- Describe the role of CHWs in supporting clients with a particular chronic disease
- List some resources for managing the chronic disease
Tues. August 9 – Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes
- About Diabetes Types-CDC
- Are You At Risk For Type 2 Test?
- Pre-Diabetes Test
- Pre-Diabetes Infographic-CDC
- Prevent Type 2 CDC Infographic
- US Diabetes Infographic-CDC
- Diabetes and Prediabetes Resource List