On May 12, 2017 IPHI co-hosted a CHW forum with DC Primary Care Association. CHWs, stakeholders, and CHW employers in DC heard from several speakers about CHW sustainability in DC.

The meeting featured presentations by DCPCA on CHWs and the Affordable Care Act, a presentation by the Massachusetts Health Department on CHW Certification and on a new Health Home model called “My Health GPS” that integrates CHWs as part of certain clinical teams in DC. In addition, several DC-based CHWs provided first-hand accounts of how their meaningful work impact lives every day. These presentations and speakers all contributed to achieving the following 3 aims for the Forum:

  • Build awareness of the impact of the potential changes to the ACA on DC Medicaid and Medicare patients.
  • Reinforce the role of CHWs in facilitating access to care and effective utilization of care among Medicaid and Medicare patients.
  • Identify potential policies and strategies to sustain CHWs within a transitioning care environment.