IPHI’s Marisa Jones had the opportunity to speak before Maryland’s local elected officials to present plaques recognizing the Inaugural Class of HEAL Cities & Towns in Maryland at the Maryland Municipal League Annual Convention. As of June, there were a total of 22 cities and towns in the regional campaign.

The Inaugural Class of HEAL Cities & Towns have publicly recognized that, through adoption of a resolution or policy, municipalities have a role to play in creating a community where residents and municipal employees can make healthy decisions about nutrition and physical activity. These municipalities have taken advantage of resources made available to them through the HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign, including quarterly webinars, workshops, and one-on-one staff assistance with policy development and implementation.

Also at the Maryland Municipal League Convention, the HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign led a mobile session on walking meetings: what they are and how they promote the fiscal and physical health of municipalities, as well as a workshop on the economic and health benefits of walkable, bikeable communities, featuring Mayor Randy McClement from Frederick, MD; Councilwoman Nicole Wagoner, Cumberland, MD; and Matt Drew, Bike Salisbury.