News and Announcements

Sep 27

IPHI Partnering with VCU for NIH Funded Grant on Children with Asthma

News Coverage and Publications

IPHI Partnering with VCU for NIH-Funded Grant on Children with Asthma The Institute for Public Health Innovation (IPHI) in partnership with Virginia Commonwealth University has received a NIH-Funded Research Grant to implement Child Asthma Intervention in Richmond, VA. IPHI is partnering with GO! >

Jul 27

Baltimore Mayor Pugh Hosts Maryland Delegates for Baltimore Food Systems Tour with Institute for Public Health Innovation

News Coverage and Publications

On June 24, 2017 Baltimore Mayor Pugh issued a Media Advisory announcing her participation at the Institute for Public Health Innovation’s Baltimore Food Systems Tour for Maryland Delegates. “BALTIMORE, Md.  — Mayor Pugh, the Baltimore Food Policy Initiative and the Institute for GO! >

Aug 01

Dan River Region Health Equity Report Released

News Coverage and Publications

Dan River Region Health Equity Report   The Institute for Public Health Innovation has worked in partnership with The Health Collaborative, Centra, Sovah Health – Danville, and Danville Regional Foundation to publish the Dan River Region’s first Health Equity Report.  Over the GO! >

Feb 23

Virginia Governor Signs Harm Reduction and Syringe Access Bills into Law

News Coverage and Publications

On February 23, 2017 Gov. Terry McAuliffe signed a set of bills that aim to stem Virginia’s growing opioid epidemic. One of the bills signed into law, HB2317, allows local departments of health to administer harm reduction and syringe access programs in parts of the state with very high rates GO! >

Feb 15

Richmond City Food Policy Analysis – Report Released

News Coverage and Publications

Since 2015, the Institute for Public Health Innovation (IPHI) has worked to use its expertise and experience in food access and health equity to conduct a local food policy analysis and develop policy recommendations to promote equitable access to healthy, affordable, and culturally appropriate GO! >

Dec 22

The Powerful Future of Community Health Workers

News Coverage and Publications

The Powerful Future of Community Health Workers In an article recently published by CityLab, IPHI’s Dwyan Monroe is prominently featured in describing the roles of community health workers (CHWs) and how they can contribute to improving public health outcomes. Read the full article here GO! >

Mar 12

Positive Pathways Recognized for its Effectiveness Addressing HIV/AIDS

News Coverage and Publications

Positive Pathways Recognized for its Effectiveness Addressing HIV/AIDS “Washington, D.C., had, at the end of 2006, the highest incidence of HIV and AIDS in the country. In June 2015, NBC reported that the city’s rate of infection was down for the sixth year running. This because GO! >

Nov 17

IPHI’s Evelyn Kelly Honored as one of Maryland’s Leading Women

News Coverage and Publications

Evelyn Kelly, IPHI Senior Program Manager, was selected as one of The Daily Record’s 2015 Leading Women. The Leading Women awards honor 50 local women who are 40 years of age or younger for the accomplishments they have made so far in their careers. A panel of business and legal professionals GO! >

Aug 05

IPHI Team Member Among 50 Local Food Heros

News Coverage and Publications

August 5, 2015 — Evelyn Kelly, IPHI Senior Program Manager was selected as a “50 under 50 Food Hero” by Elevation DC, an online magazine focused on what’s next for the city. The magazine highlights the work being done by IPHI to engage local food policy councils around the State of GO! >

May 11

Virginia Cities and Towns Walk the Talk

News Coverage and Publications

As the Healthy Eating Active Living Cities, Towns, and Counties Campaign for the Mid-Atlantic takes hold in Virginia, more and more local elected leaders are recognizing the importance of and intersection of local planning and health. As of April 2015, 14 Virginia cities and towns and one GO! >