Jul 01

IPHI and CommonHealth ACTION Announce New Partnership Structure

Press Releases

IPHI and CommonHealth ACTION Announce New Partnership Structure For Immediate Release: July 1, 2015 Washington, DC – The Boards of Directors of CommonHealth ACTION and the Institute for Public Health Innovation (IPHI) are pleased to announce an exciting new stage in the relationship between the GO! >

Jun 01

IPHI Hosts Successful Forum on Community Health Workers in Virginia

Events and Webinars

Community Health Worker Forum: “Investing in Community Health Workers: Advancing Virginia’s Health, Reducing Cost, and Improving Quality.” April 1, 2015 Freddy Zambrano, Community Health Worker (CHW) for the Fredericksburg Area HIV/AIDS Support Services told an audience of GO! >

May 11

Virginia Cities and Towns Walk the Talk

News Coverage and Publications

As the Healthy Eating Active Living Cities, Towns, and Counties Campaign for the Mid-Atlantic takes hold in Virginia, more and more local elected leaders are recognizing the importance of and intersection of local planning and health. As of April 2015, 14 Virginia cities and towns and one GO! >

May 04

IPHI Releases Request for Proposals for HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign Grants Program

Press Releases

For Immediate Release Monday, May 4, 2015 Institute for Public Health Innovation Launches HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign Grants Program with $40,000 Available in Funding Washington, DC –  Through its HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign, the Institute for Public Health Innovation is GO! >

Apr 27

May 2nd: Down By the Riverside Community Health Walk

Press Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 4/24/15  “Down By the Riverside” Community Health Walk: Strong Parks, Strong Communities Neighbors, community members, and local organizations “look to the parks” for a healthier, greener future  Washington, DC: Washington Parks & People, the Institute for Public GO! >

Apr 13

$40,000 Available to HEAL Cities and Towns to Implement HEAL Policies

Press Releases

HEAL Cities & Towns Campaign Offering $40,000 in Small Grants to Maryland and Virginia Cities and Towns This spring, for the first time ever, cities and towns in Maryland and Virginia have an opportunity to obtain new resources to increase local options for healthy eating and active living GO! >

Apr 02

Upcoming Event: 5/2/2015 Down By the Riverside Community Health Walk

Events and Webinars

On Saturday, May 2nd, 2015, join us, Washington Parks & People, and community partners for community health walk in Washington D.C.’s Ward 7. We will walk through Marvin Gaye Park, the District’s longest municipal park, and Kenilworth Park until we reach the Anacostia River. GO! >

Mar 30

Virginia Stakeholders Gather to Promote the Training and Employment of Community Members as Part of the Healthcare Workforce

Press Releases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Virginia Stakeholders Gather to Promote the Training and Employment of Community Members as Part of the Healthcare Workforce  Frontline Community Health Workers Provide a Cost-Effective Strategy to Improving the Public’s Health FREDERICKSBURG, VA. (April 1, 2015) — Dozens GO! >

Mar 27

Upcoming Forum on April 1: Investing in Community Health Workers

Events and Webinars

The Institute for Public Health Innovation, with support from the National Network of Public Health Institutes and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, will host a forum on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 from 8 AM-4 PM EST titled, “Investing in Community Health Workers: Advancing Virginia’s Health, GO! >

Mar 25

Washington, DC Has Greatest Decrease in Premature Births Since 2010

Our Work in Action

The 2015 County Health Rankings reveal that Washington, D.C. has experienced the greatest decrease in premature births since the launch of the County Health Rankings in 2010 The  Robert  Wood  Johnson  Foundation  and  the  University  of  Wisconsin’s  Population  Health  Institute  have GO! >