Jun 21

Baltimore City CHW Forum

Events and Webinars

On June 21, 2017 IPHI collaborated with the Baltimore City Health Department, and Baltimore Area Health Education Center (BAHEC) to co-sponsor the Baltimore City Chapter of the Maryland Statewide CHW Network’s first citywide CHW Forum at the  Vollmer Center at Cylburn Arboretum. More than GO! >

May 12

2017 DC CHW Forum

Events and Webinars

On May 12, 2017 IPHI co-hosted a CHW forum with DC Primary Care Association. CHWs, stakeholders, and CHW employers in DC heard from several speakers about CHW sustainability in DC. The meeting featured presentations by DCPCA on CHWs and the Affordable Care Act, a presentation by the GO! >

Apr 14

The Health Collaborative Recognized as a Spotlight Award Recipient


The Health Collaborative of the Dan River Region was recognized as a Spotlight Award winner in the Aetna Foundation’s Healthiest Cities & Counties Challenge. GO! >

Apr 03

Funds Available for Community-Based Public Health Strategies through Healthy Montgomery Transforming Communities Initiative

Press Releases

For Immediate Release:  April 3, 2017 Contact: Julia Groenfeldt, Program and Communications Associate 202.747.3455 TCI@old.institutephi.org   Funds Available for Community-Based Public Health Strategies through Healthy Montgomery Transforming Communities Initiative Silver Spring, Maryland GO! >

Mar 29

Meeting on March 29: Community Health Workers Advancing Virginia’s Public Health

Events and Webinars

The Institute for Public Health Innovation and the Virginia Association of Health Plans are holding a meeting prior to the start of the Population Health Summit to discuss the role of the CHW in Virginia’s health systems. This breakfast meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 29, 2017 GO! >

Mar 28

Upcoming Forum on March 28: Community Health Workers and Population Health in Virginia

Events and Webinars

The Institute for Public Health Innovation, with support from the National Network of Public Health Institutes, will host a forum on Tuesday, March 28, 2017 from 8:30 AM-4:30 PM EST titled, “A Forum on Community Health Workers and Population Health in Virginia: A convening of leaders to discuss GO! >

Feb 23

Virginia Governor Signs Harm Reduction and Syringe Access Bills into Law

News Coverage and Publications

On February 23, 2017 Gov. Terry McAuliffe signed a set of bills that aim to stem Virginia’s growing opioid epidemic. One of the bills signed into law, HB2317, allows local departments of health to administer harm reduction and syringe access programs in parts of the state with very high rates GO! >

Feb 15

Richmond City Food Policy Analysis – Report Released

News Coverage and Publications

Since 2015, the Institute for Public Health Innovation (IPHI) has worked to use its expertise and experience in food access and health equity to conduct a local food policy analysis and develop policy recommendations to promote equitable access to healthy, affordable, and culturally appropriate GO! >

Jan 30

Virginia CHW Advocacy Day

Events and Webinars

Sentara Regional Medical Center CHWs and CHW Supervisors from Rockingham County On January 30th, IPHI hosted the first Community Health Worker (CHW) Advocacy Day at the Virginia General Assembly in Richmond, VA. Thirty participants from around the state attended the event and met with 20 GO! >

Jan 26

IPHI Hosts VA Syringe Access Advocacy Meeting

Events and Webinars

On Thursday, January 26th IPHI will hold an open meeting in Richmond, VA to discuss providing support for anticipated state legislation that would legalize syringe access in Virginia. Syringe exchange and other syringe access and harm reduction programs help curb the spread of HIV and Hepatitis GO! >