Community Health Improvement Planning (CHIP)
Community Health Assessment (CHA) and Community Health Improvement Planning (CHIP) are collaborative processes that are used to identify trends, needs, and resources in a community or jurisdiction and develop action plans for community health improvement.
Download Our Community Health Improvement Planning Partner Fact Sheet Here.
Our framework for community health improvement work defines health broadly and recognizes that health and well-being are affected by the conditions and circumstances in which people live, age, work, learn, and play.
Our commitment to the belief that all people and communities have the right to achieve and maintain good health fuels the passion we bring to the work.
Our approach to the community health improvement process includes these key components:
- Coalition-building among public and private community partners;
- Grassroots community engagement;
- Data collection and analysis to identify community health needs, inequities, strengths, and assets; and
- Development, implementation, and evaluation of action plans that include common goals, a shared system of measuring outcomes, and proven interventions.
We are uniquely positioned to assist with this important assessment and planning work. We have the organizational capacity and staff skills and experience to contribute by:
- Serving as a neutral convener to engage community partners and residents;
- Collecting, analyzing and presenting community health data in an understandable and meaningful way;
- Facilitating health issue prioritization and action planning; and
- Providing technical assistance for action plan implementation and evaluation.
National Network of Public Health Institutes
We are also part of the National Network of Public Health Institutes that provides access to other colleagues involved in the practice of community health improvement processes around the country and to proven, adaptable community assessment and planning tools and resources.
Read about our involvement in Healthy Montgomery in Montgomery County, Maryland and The Health Collaborative in the Dan River Region. We provided support in evaluation, data collection, marketing and communications, capacity building and project management.