IPHI Adds Capacity to the Public Health System

The Institute for Public Health Innovation is a facilitator, convener, and catalyst to help bring about better health and well-being for all people and communities throughout DC, Maryland, and Virginia. We accomplish this by providing the following overarching benefits:

Key themes across all of IPHI’s work are collaboration, innovation, and action. We work with a broad range of partners across the DC-MD-VA region and nationally to develop and implement effective solutions that help create healthier communities. Sometimes this means lifting up and reinforcing what we already know is effective, and in other cases, it […]
IPHI’s work reflects the understanding that many community sectors, both public and private, have essential roles to play in protecting and improving the public’s health. Throughout history, some of the greatest improvements in health came from advancements related to social and environmental issues, such as sanitation, labor laws, and housing and neighborhood conditions. Community Health […]
As a public health institute, IPHI has an important role to play offering workforce training opportunities, providing technical assistance to government and community partners, and building community capacity to advance population health and health equity. Training and Education Skill development, leadership cultivation, and continuous learning are critical aspects of ensuring that professionals in health-related sectors […]
Public policy plays a central role in creating healthier communities. Policies can be a tool for financing cost-effective public health strategies, maximizing health benefits from certain programs, improving service systems, and influencing healthier behaviors. IPHI supports the development and implementation of effective public health policy. The team advocates for public policy that makes clear sense […]