Our Values

We are a values-driven public/private enterprise. These four core values, practiced collectively,  support our mission and guide our work:


Suggs HugHealth is complex and multi-dimensional. Rarely can one organization be successful in improving public health when acting independently. We are committed to working with a broad range of partners to share knowledge, maximize resources, and enhance effectiveness.

Equity and Social Justice

We are committed to fairness and the belief that everyone has the right and ability to achieve and maintain good health.  We share responsibility for contributing to environments and conditions in which all people have equal opportunities for health.


We think “outside the box” and strive to be creative, resourceful and imaginative. We aim to inspire new solutions while also promoting existing strategies that are known to be effective.


Our commitment to honesty, respect, and reliability in our work and relationships is uncompromising. We are dedicated to high quality work that honors our mission and those we partner with and serve.